Thursday, August 29, 2013

Most Comprehensive Intermittent Fasting Examination to Date

If you've never heard of Dr. John Berardi, you're missing out. Since you're reading a blog about fitness, diet and nutrition, and overall well being, I believe you would find his recent work, Experiments with Intermittent Fasting, quite the read.  The director of the world's largest body transformation project teamed up Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon, and Nate Green to bring the world a FREE e-book resource for the new exciting lifestyle that has changed my own life FOREVER.

He tried just about every "IF" protocol imaginable and experienced some pretty staggering results. The book points out the fact that most modern fasting research has been done using animal models. Take a look at the e-book and his pictures for some pretty damn substantiated human model hypotheses'.

I am in no way affiliated with any of the e-book authors or Dr. John Berardi's website but here's a link to, just to give credit where credit is due for the labor intensive work that has been compiled for us all, free of charge.

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